LG Brooks, EA, CTRS, NTPI Fellow

Senior Tax Resolution Consultant
(716) 631-5111

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LG is currently the Senior Tax Resolution Consultant at Lawler and Witkowski CPA’s. LG is most well known for his knowledge, energy, and passion in his presentations. He has been in the field of taxation for more than 30 years and has worked and consulted on thousands of tax resolution cases over his career. He is a member of several tax-related organizations and his tax practice includes Tax Representation, Tax Consulting, Tax Preparation and Pre-Tax Court Litigation Support Services. LG is a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist (CTRS), Fellow of the National Tax Practice Institute (NTPI) and was a faculty member of the NTPI program administered by NAEA before leaving to become the education director of ASTPS.

About Us: The American Society of Tax Problem Solvers is a national non-profit membership association that was founded in 2003 to address the need for IRS Tax Problem Resolution Training and Mentoring. ASTPS offers live technical training conferences, case support & continuing education through membership, and certification opportunities for practitioners looking to specialize in tax problem resolution.

Self-Study CPE